If you want to fight you must let Kru Rick know that you want to start competing. This will enable him to change your training and help to get you ready!
If you want to fight:
- Students must train regularly between inter-clubs and not just during the week before the inter- club
- Students must come to at least 3 classes per week during the weeks leading up to a fight i.e. sparring class and the classes before your inter-club or fight; unless Kru Rick states that you do not have to attend
- Once you have agreed to fight a student must fight unless they have a valid reason. Many phone calls and emails are made to arrange your fight as well as the other fighter who will have been training hard.
- All students who wish to fight must have their own gloves, licence, protective gear and full uniform
- Students who cannot drive must pre-arrange transport for their fights i.e. ask a family member or arrange a lift with someone from the gym. Do not turn up on the day and expect a lift.
- If for any reason you are unable to fight you must give as much notice as possible by speaking to Kru Rick (not texting or emailing). You must also inform anyone who may be giving you a lift as well.
- What happens on the day of the fight? Each interclub / fight can be organised slightly differently but there are some basics things that are the same at most events:
a. You’ll be given a time to either meet at the gym or the venue. Don’t be late for the meeting time, as it will link to the time you need to weigh-in. If you are running late let Kru Rick know.
b. Kit – Make sure you have all you uniform and kit for the day in your bag. If possible make sure you arrive in a club hoodie or t-shirt.
c. Food and Drink – Some venues have food and drinks available but just in case make sure you pack your own. It is not a good idea to eat too close to your fight (at least 1hr-2hrs beforehand depending on what you’re eating) but you’ll certainly want something to eat afterwards.
d. Weigh-In – For most fights, you will have to weigh in when you arrive in the morning. This is a case of getting weighed to check that you’re evenly matched with your opponent.
e. Before your fight – There will be a number of fights on during the same day so there will be some waiting around. Enjoy the fights and support your club mates but keep an eye on the fights so you know when your turn is coming up!
f. Warm-up –Make sure your aware of what number your fight is and that you need to warm up beforehand. Don’t worry too much though as there will instructors and other seniors to help you get ready!
g. Fight Time – Relax and enjoy your fight. Remember to listen to Kru Rick and your corner. You’ve trained hard to do this so enjoy it!