Adult Class
Adult Class
The Return of the sparring class again, AGAIN!
Friday 29th July 2022
7 pm till 8 pm, children and adults.
– [ ] Students must be competent in Muay Thai which means no new starter.
– [ ] Students must have member-to-member insurance.
– [ ] Students must have the correct equipment, the right size and suitable gloves, shin pads and gum shield.
– [ ] Students must still wear the correct uniform.
How To Spar
when it comes to sparring, it is light no one is going to learn anything from hitting each other hard. so take it light and try remember what you have learned from the classes. WHAT NOT TO DO.
– [ ] Elbows.
– [ ] Knee stomps.
– [ ] Head contact for the juniors.
– [ ] Try anything you are incapable of pull off, stick to your skill limits.
– [ ] Things you have seen on youtube.
– [ ] Don’t spar to win.
– [ ] Diversify Your Strikes.
– [ ] Throw Combinations.
– [ ] Counter a lot.
– [ ] Relax and Breathe.
– [ ] Have Fun.
Maximum Power Muay Thai Boxing is holding an interclub on Sunday 8th May 2020
Doors open at 9:30 am the first fight at 10:30 am.
All fighters receive a medal, hot&cold food available, a licensed bar available,£7 entry to both spectators and fighters.
Please send names before Wednesday 4th May so match up can begin.
Once the list is done we will be sticking to the list and NO Changing fight orders, Juniors first adults after.
14 Wright Street Oldham OL1 3TF
T-shirt and hoodie
There will be a price increase on t-shirt and hoodies from the 1st of November, we have protected prices for such a long time and haven’t made any increases.
As per our suppliers
With Supplier increases, Brexit, transport impact and the current Covid situation its come to a point where we can no longer absorb the price increases we are receiving and now have to pass the increases onto all of our customers. We really have tried our best to minimise the increase but it is now no longer sustainable for us to honour the original pricing, the prices attached have been carefully considered and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
If you want to fight you must let Kru Rick know that you want to start competing. This will enable him to change your training and help to get you ready!
If you want to fight:
a. You’ll be given a time to either meet at the gym or the venue. Don’t be late for the meeting time, as it will link to the time you need to weigh-in. If you are running late let Kru Rick know.
b. Kit – Make sure you have all you uniform and kit for the day in your bag. If possible make sure you arrive in a club hoodie or t-shirt.
c. Food and Drink – Some venues have food and drinks available but just in case make sure you pack your own. It is not a good idea to eat too close to your fight (at least 1hr-2hrs beforehand depending on what you’re eating) but you’ll certainly want something to eat afterwards.
d. Weigh-In – For most fights, you will have to weigh in when you arrive in the morning. This is a case of getting weighed to check that you’re evenly matched with your opponent.
e. Before your fight – There will be a number of fights on during the same day so there will be some waiting around. Enjoy the fights and support your club mates but keep an eye on the fights so you know when your turn is coming up!
f. Warm-up –Make sure your aware of what number your fight is and that you need to warm up beforehand. Don’t worry too much though as there will instructors and other seniors to help you get ready!
g. Fight Time – Relax and enjoy your fight. Remember to listen to Kru Rick and your corner. You’ve trained hard to do this so enjoy it!
Hi all, we have recognised that paying for uniform, equipment and your member to member insurance can be expensive, so have teamed up with Klarna to spread the cost and make things more affordable.
Please see link to see how it works. Only available on goods purchased through the website.
please see link to see how it works
Jaiven was presented with their uniform in the Wednesday class.
Parents purchased their uniform as they have watched their progression and recognised their commitment to Phoenix Muay Thai over the past 4-8 weeks.
Kru presented the children with their uniform and explained the importance of the uniform and how it represents our club and how they should act respectfully at all times, especially when they are wearing the club uniform.
Welcome to the Phoenix Phamily.
The children were presented with their uniform in the Saturday class.
Their parents purchased their uniform as they have watched their progression and recognised their commitment to Phoenix Muay Thai over the past 4-8 weeks.
Kru presented the children with their uniform and explained the importance of the uniform and how it represents our club and how they should act respectfully at all times, especially when they are wearing the club uniform.
Welcome to the Phoenix Phamily.
Well done to Sergio for training so good in his lesson today