Letter from WBC Muay ThaiWBCMTYWG – Registration form
As you are all aware that the WBC MuaythaiWorldYouthGames (WBCMTWYG) will be held in Calgary, Canada hosted by myself and Kieran Keddle as Co-Chairmen for the World Youth Games.
Nigel Howlett & Amir Subasic (coaches for the England team) and myself would like to invite you and your young athletes to the England trials on 24th April in Bedford.
We have some of the best Youth athletes in the World and would therefore like to get the best representation from all the gym in UK, so that we can bring back as many gold medals and be part of history.
There is a £25 per fighter entry fee which will be used to help fund towards the athletes expenses (travel & accommodation). Closing date for entries is 14th April.
Once the team has been selected the deadline for entries to the games is 30th May. There is a entry fee per athlete to the games for which they will get an England Team tracksuit, 2 x Team T`shirts and 2 pairs of shorts.
As you can see this is fantastic opportunity for the next generation of fighters to participate in the first ever WBCMuaythaiWorldYouthGames.
Thank you
Nash Keshwala