The Return of the sparring class again, AGAIN!
Friday 29th July 2022
7 pm till 8 pm, children and adults.
– [ ] Students must be competent in Muay Thai which means no new starter.
– [ ] Students must have member-to-member insurance.
– [ ] Students must have the correct equipment, the right size and suitable gloves, shin pads and gum shield.
– [ ] Students must still wear the correct uniform.
How To Spar
when it comes to sparring, it is light no one is going to learn anything from hitting each other hard. so take it light and try remember what you have learned from the classes. WHAT NOT TO DO.
– [ ] Elbows.
– [ ] Knee stomps.
– [ ] Head contact for the juniors.
– [ ] Try anything you are incapable of pull off, stick to your skill limits.
– [ ] Things you have seen on youtube.
– [ ] Don’t spar to win.
– [ ] Diversify Your Strikes.
– [ ] Throw Combinations.
– [ ] Counter a lot.
– [ ] Relax and Breathe.
– [ ] Have Fun.