Children’s Classes – 12th April 2021
The children’s classes will be restarting on the 12th April 2021 – please continue to follow the same covid-safe processes that we put in place at the beginning:
1. Book your class:
Join us at Phoenix Muay Thai on the Wix app to easily stay updated and get in touch with me on the go.
Join with this link:
Got the app? Use the invite code: 01S1DW
2. A fresh registration needs to be filled in:
3. Please watch the following YouTube videos on arriving, going to the toilet and leaving.
Going to the toilet
Private lessons for adults and children can commence too on 12th April 2021 – please speak to Kru to arrange these.
Adults Classes – 17th May 2021
The adult’s classes will be starting on the 17th of May again, please continue to follow the same covid-safe processes that we put in place at the beginning:
1. Book your class:
Join us at Phoenix Muay Thai on the Wix app to easily stay updated and get in touch with me on the go.
Join with this link:
Got the app? Use the invite code: 01S1DW
2. A fresh registration needs to be filled in:
3. Please watch the following YouTube videos on arriving, going to the toilet and leaving.
Going to the toilet
Glow Kicks – 21st May 2021
Our loooooong awaited glow kick class will commence on 21st May 2021.
The intention was to start this in the winter when we had darkness earlier, however, we have had so much excitement and interest that we are pushing on with this as we think it’s imperative for people and their mental wellness to get those endorphin rushes from moving and having FUN.
We are gonna start with the class from 8 pm-9 pm but we may need to adjust the timings depending on the darkness. Make sure you are registered so you get all the up-to-date notifications:
Bank holiday Monday – 31st May 2021
On bank holiday Monday, there will be a joint class from 7 pm to 8 pm. All ages (min. age 5 years old) and abilities are welcome to join in on this class.
Happy Birthday – 5th June 2021
20th anniversary of Phoenix Muay Thai.
Pad Work – 21st June 2021
We will be back to doing pad work, we will also be reintroducing member to member insurance, this hasn’t been necessary during covid due to us only utilising the bags for individual work. When we revert to pad work, this insurance will be mandatory again.
We don’t ask students to join until after 4 weeks of training. After this period students will be required to join.
Insurance: £30 per year.
Celebrations – 26th June 2021
We will be celebrating the 20th anniversary of Phoenix Muay Thai and being out of lockdown CALLING ALL STUDENTS PAST AND PRESENT
I don’t know what we are going to be doing, but trust me, it’s going to be epic.
I am thinking of clearing the walkway and turning it into a club, get DJs on lights the lot. Everyone bring their own beer – drink responsibly, but party like lunatics 🙂
Sparring – 4th July 2021
The return of the sparring class. all students must have their own appropriate equipment, including gum shields, shin pads, appropriate boxing gloves for their size and weight.
New Bags
We have introduced some new branded Phoenix Muay Thai bags up in the training room on a clever pulley system, which I can’t wait for you to see. It means now we can now increase our classes to 18 people all with their own bag station with social distancing in place.
Saturday 12.15 Class
This class used to be the adult only class but we have turned it into an adults and family class. If you are training as a family, all children must be accompanied by and an adult (max 2 children per adult). If your child has trained in the children’s class that day, they can’t train in the adults class too. It is the parents/guardians responsibility to ensure that the children they are supervising are respectful in the training room and do not disturb the other students.
In loving memory
We are saddened to announce that during this last lockdown, we have lost 2 beloved Phoenix Phamily members. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families and friends of Rachel West and Michelle Murphy. They will always hold their place in our Phamily.
Rest in peace ladies